Language, Individual & Society

19th International Conference
20-23 August 2025
Burgas, Bulgaria

Organized by

  • Science & Education Foundation, Bulgaria
  • Sapporo University, Japan


Culture, Civilisation and Society

  • Language, history and culture; Personality and creativity
  • Culture studies, anthropology and ethnology; Interdisciplinary research
  • Multiplicity of identities in contemporary culture
  • Globalisation vs. cultural identity
  • Culture and language communication
  • Tradition and innovation in culture
  • Culture and semiotics
  • Arts and literature
  • Modern theories of language and communication
  • Cognitive nature of communication
  • The role of information and communication technologies in present-day society
  • Communication in the structure of cultural space
  • Foreign language teaching & intercultural communication
  • Sociology of language
  • Language and Society
  • School of Languages and Social Sciences
  • Language, interaction and conversation
  • Sociology of Language and Religion
  • Sociology of knowledge and language
  • Immigration and Language
  • Language, Structure, and Measurement
  • Contrastive Sociolinguistics

Language Teaching and Learning

  • Language education
  • Native language teaching and learning
  • Professional & teacher training and development
  • Managing change in foreign language teaching (FLT) trends
  • FLT curriculum development
  • Language teaching methodology
  • Teachers as innovators & facilitators
  • FLT for specific purposes
  • Material selection & production
  • CALL, FLT and learning in the digital age
  • Classroom practice & language proficiency
  • Literature & the language arts
  • Testing & evaluation
  • Special needs in foreign language teaching
  • Independent/Autonomous learning
  • Teaching foreign languages to young learners


  • Modern linguistic theories
  • Cognitive linguistics
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Discourse analysis
  • Historical linguistics
  • Literacy
  • Pragmatics
  • Semantics
  • Syntax and morphology
  • Phonetics and phonology
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics
  • Stylistics
  • Applied linguistics
  • Comparative & contrastive linguistic studies
  • Translation studies, including machine translation
  • The role of ICT for the development of modern languages and communication

Individual and Psychology

  • Language and Social Psychology
  • Comparative Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology: Behaviour, Brain & Cognition
  • Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
  • Individual Differences: Memory and Language
  • Perception & Psychophysics
  • The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition
  • Language and Cognitive Processes
  • Language As Social Action
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Personality and Social Psychology
  • Psychology of Language and Communication
  • Psychology for Language teachers

Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.

Who took part last year

Prof. Nikolaos Denaxas / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Maija Burima / Daugavpils University, Latvia
Prof. Grażyna Maria Teresa Branny / University Ignatianum Kraków, Poland
Prof. Kazuyuki Kanda / Shuwaken NPO, Japan
Prof. Tsutomu Kimura / National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Toyota College, Japan
Prof. Sandra Tominac Coslovich / University of Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Ausma Cimdiņa / University of Latvia, Latvia
Prof. Iveta Narodovska / University of Latvia, Latvia
Dr. Ilze Koroleva / University of Latvia, Latvia
Dr. Georgiana Ciobotaru / „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, Romania
Dr. Anna Rita Longo / SWIM - Science Writers in Italy, Italy
Dr. Aivars Buls / RTU Liepāja Maritime College, Latvia
Dr. Artemis Papailia / Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Dr. Melanie Moll / Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg, Switzerland
Dr. Delia Oprea / Dunarea de Jos University, Romania
Dr. Fulya Kincal / Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Turkey
Dr. Natalia Dankova / Université du Québec Outaouais, Canada
Dr. Renáta Kišoňová / Faculty of Law, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Dr. Ligita Pasvenskiene / Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania
Dr. Maria Rhodora Ancheta / University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines

Please note that the list is not exhaustive.

Types of participation and general information

The official language of the conference is English. Translation and interpreting services will not be available. The conference room is set up in theatre style and has a capacity of 150 people. The dress code is business casual to business attire. Please arrive at the conference room at least 30 minutes before your session begins. There may be changes to the conference program, for which participants will be notified in a timely manner. Access to the conference room is available only to registered participants.

To ensure flexibility for our participants, you are permitted to make unlimited changes to your presentation type (onsite or online) up to 30 days before the actual conference date.

Oral presenters will be given 10 minutes to present their work and additional 5 minutes for questions and answers. Moderators will be strict about timing. Your presentation must be in PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) or PDF format. Presenter View in PowerPoint will be available, if needed, for your presentation. Prezi, Keynote and other formats are not supported. The playback of audio and video files is not allowed. All presentations must be in widescreen 16:9 ratio to match the size of the projection screen.

The conference room is equipped with overhead multimedia projector, large screen, lectern, laptop (with PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader installed), wireless microphones for both the presenter and those willing to ask questions, wireless remote for slides control with integrated timer and laser pointer. Presenters are not allowed to use their own equipment. A technician will assist you with starting your presentation. Once the presentation is launched, you will control/advance the slides. There will be no internet access on the presentation computer.

Presentations must be submitted in advance using our online submission form. Please bring a copy of your presentation to the conference on a USB memory stick as a backup. All presenters will be given the opportunity to check their presentations in advance. You are encouraged to review your presentation on the day before your talk.

Your poster must be 80 cm (32 inches) in width and 90 cm (36 inches) in height. Text and graphics should be readable from 2 meters (6 feet). Authors should bring their own printed poster with them to the conference. We are unable to accept posters in advance by mail or to print posters on site. We will provide free-standing poster boards and suitable fixing materials. Tables or other support devices will not be provided and are not allowed. Business cards and small handouts may be attached to the poster board.

The duration of each poster session is 1 hour. Please hung your poster at least 30 minutes before the start of your session. Each poster has a number in the conference program and must be placed at the board matching its number. Please remove your poster at the end of the day or it may be discarded.

Presenting a poster is less formal than a talk. Your role is to stand by your poster to offer information and answer questions about your research. While some people like to read posters on their own, the majority of people are thrilled to have you "walk them through the poster".

Online presentations are suitable for those unable to attend the conference in person. You can have either online oral presentation or online poster presentation. Online participants receive all conference materials (program, certificate, etc.) by email. There are no differences in the process of reviewing and publishing articles. All presentations (onsite and online) are recorded, and together with the posters will be available to the participants after the conference.

Online Oral Presentation
We prefer a live audio-video connection via the free ZOOM application, for online oral presentations. You would need to share your screen with the rest of the participants, and open your PowerPoint presentation as normal. Questions to the presentation can be proposed via the in-meeting chat. The session moderator would then choose which of them would be asked after the presentation is over.

In case there are any time zone differences, poor internet connectivity, or there is another reason you are unable to present your report at the specified time, you can send us a pre-recorded video with sound or a PowerPoint slideshow with narration.

Online Poster Presentation
You can send your online posters in PDF or PowerPoint by email, and we will print and hang them. Please do not forget to include contact information in case another participant wishes to contact you.


Language, Individual & Society (ISSN 1314-7250)

All manuscripts, regardless of the presentation type, will be published in a relevant journal of International Scientific Publications. Each manuscript is peer-reviewed by two anonymous, independent reviewers. The official language is English. Sending a manuscript for publication is optional.

This journal is indexed by European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Scholar, Semantic Scholar, CiteSeerX, Base,, Portico

ERIH+ China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Semantic Scholar CiteSeerX Base Crossref Portico
Editor in Chief
Natalia Dankova
Prof. Natalia Dankova
University of Quebec Outaouais, Canada
Editorial Board Members
Aylin Sevimel-Sahin
Assist. Prof. Dr. Aylin Sevimel-Sahin
Anadolu University, Türkiye
Ibrahim Darwish
Dr. Ibrahim Darwish
Yarmouk University, Jordan
Florian Andrei Vlad
Assoc. Prof. Florian Andrei Vlad
Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Jana Beresova
Prof. Jana Beresova
Trnava University, Slovakia
Mariana Neagu
Prof. Mariana Neagu
Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

Formatting requirements

Manuscripts must be between 7 and 20 pages in length, formatted according to the requirements. An author can have no more than two papers published in the same volume.

The usage of the template is not mandatory. Manuscripts and abstracts that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered.

Important dates and deadlines

Conference Registration Opening Venue
Agriculture & Food 05-06 PM, 11 August
09-10 AM, 12 August
10 AM, 12 August 11-14 August 2025
Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas
Ecology & Safety 05-06 PM, 11 August
09-10 AM, 12 August
10 AM, 12 August 11-14 August 2025
Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas
Materials, Methods & Technologies 05-06 PM, 14 August
09-10 AM, 15 August
10 AM, 15 August 14-17 August 2025
Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas
Economy & Business 05-06 PM, 17 August
09-10 AM, 18 August
10 AM, 18 August 17-20 August 2025
Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas
Education, Research & Development 05-06 PM, 20 August
09-10 AM, 21 August
10 AM, 21 August 20-23 August 2025
Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas
Language, Individual & Society 05-06 PM, 20 August
09-10 AM, 21 August
10 AM, 21 August 20-23 August 2025
Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas
Only a limited number of spots are available. To ensure your participation, please register at your earliest convenience.
Important Deadlines
28 February 2025 (extended) Registration form and abstract submission deadline.
28 February 2025 Deadline for transferring the participation fee.
31 March 2025 Final paper submission deadline.
31 July 2025 Final presentation / poster submission deadline.
Conference Program
Day 1 Late registration
Day 2 Early registration; Welcome speech; Plenary talk; Talk session #1; Poster session #1; Talk session #2
Day 3 Talk session #3; Poster session #2; Talk session #4; Awarding certificates
Day 4 Social program; Closing
Detailed program will be sent to the participants at later stage.

Participation fee and payment

The conference is limited to 150 attendees, providing a prime opportunity for networking. The participation fee is paid only when the registration is approved.

Standard participation fee 330 €
Special participation fee for participants in last year’s conference 270 €
Special participation fee for PhD students under 30 years of age 270 €
Fee for all participants who have missed the payment deadline 450 €
Additional fee for a second paper presented 180 €
Accompanying person (no presentation or publication) 180 €
Attendance only (no presentation or publication) 180 €

All prices are in Euro and include VAT.

The participation fee includes:
  • Opportunity to present a paper either as a talk (10 min for presentation and another 5 min for discussion) or as a poster (with size 80x90 cm)
  • Opportunity to publish a paper up to 20 pages long in the relevant journal of International Scientific Publications
  • Certificate for participation
  • Admission to all sessions of the conference
  • A printed copy of the conference program
  • Book of abstracts (in PDF)
  • Coffee break

We accept bank transfers and credit cards (VISA, MasterCard and Maestro). All bank charges and commissions are paid by the participants. Payment on site is not allowed.

VISA MasterCard Maestro Verified by VISA MasterCard SecureCode BORICA

Invoices will be sent via email as a PDF attachment. In order to receive an invoice on behalf of a company or organisation you must state this in the registration form. If payment is made by a private individual, the final invoice will be issued in their name. On the other hand, if an organization - such as a university, institute, or company - makes the payment, the invoice will be issued to that organization. We cannot make exceptions to this policy due to legal requirements.

Organizations within the European Union that are VAT registered may be eligible for VAT reverse charge, where VAT is accounted for in the country of the payer, not the supplier. These invoices should be paid from the organization's bank account. Please do not use personal bank accounts or personal credit/debit cards to settle invoices that fall under the VAT reverse charge mechanism. If you do, you will be responsible for paying the VAT to ensure your participation fee is considered fully paid.

Bank details for transfers in Euro (EUR)
Recipient Science Events Ltd
Recipient address 21, Oborishte Str., 8000 Burgas, Bulgaria
Bank name First Investment Bank AD
Bank address 37, Dragan Tsankov Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria
IBAN BG70FINV91501017009237
Please mention your registration number as a reason for the bank transfer.


Map of Bulgaria

Bulgaria, officially the Republic of Bulgaria, is a southeastern European country and a member of the European Union. It is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. Founded in the 7th century, it is one of Europe's oldest states, with a rich history influenced by the ancient empires of Rome, Greece, and Byzantium. The official language is Bulgarian, which is written in the Cyrillic alphabet. Bulgaria is known for its variety of scenery, including rugged mountains and relaxing Black Sea resorts, and is one of Europe's most biodiverse countries, with almost a third of the land covered in forests. The climate is moderate, with hot, dry summers and cold winters.

As of January 2025, Bulgaria is a full member of the Schengen Area. The citizens of European Union, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Lichtenstein, Malaysia, Norway, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE, USA and the holders of valid Schengen visas do not need a visa to travel to Bulgaria. Please visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more comprehensive and up-to-date information.

Burgas is the fourth largest city in Bulgaria, situated on the Black Sea Coast. It is a significant center for industry, transportation, and culture, with numerous tourist attractions in the region. Located by the sea and surrounded by lakes, Burgas has a relatively mild climate, making it an ideal destination for beach-goers. The area has a rich history, with evidence of human habitation dating back to ancient times. Burgas is served by its own international airport and is located 380 km (236 miles) from Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.

Hotel Bulgaria is located in the heart of Burgas, just steps away from the main pedestrian street, Aleksandrovska, and City Hall. The nearest beach is only 15 minutes away. This 4-star hotel boasts 194 rooms and was first opened in 1976. It has undergone a complete renovation in 2020. Along with the restaurant, guests can enjoy the lobby bar, full-service spa, fitness center, nightclub, and casino.


We will be hosting our conferences at the prestigious hotel Bulgaria (show on the map), which is conveniently located in downtown Burgas.

Hotel Distance  
Hotel Bulgaria ★★★★ 0.0km Details
Hotel Primoretz ★★★★★ 0.8km Details
Hotel Marina ★★★ 1.0km Details
Hotel Promenade ★★★★★ 0.7km Details
Hotel Burgas ★★★★ 0.2km Details
Hotel Luxor ★★★ 0.6km Details
Hotel Gran Via ★★★ 1.0km Details
Hotel Bulair ★★★ 0.4km Details
Hotel Fors ★★ 0.2km Details


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